“Life is like playing a violin solo in public

and learning the instrument as one goes on.

— Samuel Butler

  • Reflect

    Allow them to reveal their truths,

  • 83 Problems

    Then what is the good of all of your teachings?

  • The Blue Flower

    I decided I had had enough. I wanted to die.

  • Balding Tires

    This seed of his discontent lies dormant within me.

  • Boiler Maker

    For knowing where to tap.

  • Fear, Fire and Fury

    What do we tell our children?

  • Just the Facts

    On a dark and moonless night.

  • The Butterfly's Cocoon

    It was slow and I was in a hurry.

  • A God of Rock and Roll

    I nearly missed my chance.

  • Baba Yaga

    She requires us to go into the dark.

  • The Clay Jug

    If you want the truth, I will tell you the truth.

  • Bicycle Repair Man

    Sometimes, all that is necessary is a few adjustments.

  • The Guest House

    Every morning a new arrival.

  • Why Do You Run?

    I am running after my good fortune.

  • Maybe

    The meaning that any event has depends upon the “frame.”

  • The Inuit Carver

    He carves lightly with respect.

  • Go Ask Alice

    "How do you know I'm mad?"

  • Gate Keeper

    Before the law.

  • Snake

    And I have something to expiate: A pettiness.”

  • The Truth About Monsters

    Fear the thing that created it.

  • The Red Shoes

    Her soul flew on the sunshine to God.

  • You Can Do It

    A “little something,” at the right moment, makes all the difference.

  • Up River Alone

    She was intent on doing it all by herself.

  • Cheap Tricks

    My strategy was to meet him where he was.

  • Anna

    Today I must grow up, get engaged, marry, have children, and die.

  • Acceptance

    There was one man I needed to face.

  • Awake or Free

    The path of practice.

  • What Would I Do?

    If I had…

  • The Way of Stillness

    It awaits your return.

  • The Light is Brighter Here

    Where we search.

  • Being Peace

    If you are a poet, you will see clearly that there is a cloud floating in this sheet of paper.

  • If You Choose to Love an Awakened Woman

  • Right Size

    Your awareness of how you are being perceived amplifies how you are feeling.

  • As You Proceed Through Life

    Having a sense of humor saves you.

  • Don't Try to Fix It.

    It is not about the nail.

  • Big Tough Samurai

    Teach me about heaven and hell?

  • A Constructed Reality

    Others suffered in extraordinary ways so that he would not have to feel.

  • Mensch in the Mirror

    I wanted to live my life with purpose and virtue.

  • Ruby

    Death is Inevitable, but we still have choice.

  • Teaching of the Crescent Moons

    I let go.

  • The Stone Cutter

    It is all that I want in the world.

  • Equilibrium

    A road to zero, trafficked by fearful people.

  • The Strangest People

    Those we will always love.

  • You Are Welcome

    Thank you.

  • Smell the Fall

    Can we trust our minds as they are?

  • Modern Love

    Who believe their temporary feelings are permanent.

  • The Island Where People Forget to Die

    Description goes here
  • Two Monks

    Letting Go

  • Great Leadership

    Cultivate these qualities.

  • Every Time I Lie

    I realize that I am not present.

  • Respectful Silence

    Offering Sanctuary to homeless parts.

  • Namaste'

    My unfettered thoughts.

  • The Moon

    Then there is the finger.

  • Self Sacrifice

    I am a woman.

  • Freeing Wisdom

    Can you trust the wisdom in the room?

  • Steel Ball

    Just keep it moving.

  • Clarity of Purpose

    It emerges from a dynamic involvement with your years of experience.

  • Practical Kindness

    We reveal and are revealed by, that which informs our oneness.

  • Basket of Peppers

    Looking for the sweet one.

  • Alignment

    A world of miracles one is about to discover or to lose.

  • Authentic Success Is...

    The only pain she ever caused is when she left us.

  • Why are we here?

    I am here because of you.

  • Mystery in Life

    It taught me to love.

  • Bulls Eye

    Is this how do you do it?

  • When the Body Speaks

  • Making Memories

    Moving forward.

  • Ferocious Monster

    They learned to live with their limitations.

  • How Do I Recover?

    It is my life, it is my responsibility.

After only a few moments in Sanctuary, it is entirely possible that you carry with you gifts of unrealized feelings, thoughts, memories, or insights that will continue to reveal themselves in the coming days. May you remain open to the possibilities that await your arrival.


